+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quick Paths 1.24 ©1994-6 M. Sephton | | File Selector Quick Path Access Tektonix Software | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FILES------------------------------------------------------------------------ File_id.diz Quick Paths.exe Quick Paths.hlp Quick Paths.txt History.txt Distrib.txt Register.txt ReadMe.txt INSTALLATION----------------------------------------------------------------- Copy the above files into their own directory. For best results, put a shortcut to Quick Paths in your Startup group so it starts automatically. To uninstall simply reverse the process. USAGE------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the 'List...' menu item (or the equivalent double click) to set up your Quick Paths using the add and delete options. You are only allowed to select folders in the browse folder dialog box. After this, close the the 'List...' box using the close button. Now left clicking on the tray icon will bring up a menu of your Quick Paths, and selecting one of these will make the top most file selector active with the chosen Quick Path. OPTIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------- Use a right click on the system tray icon to change configuration. You can change the method in which the file selector box is notified, using either the clipboard (checked) or a slower, alternative method (unchecked). Left click on the system tray icon to display the list of available Quick Paths. List management supports context sensitive help. The file selction boxes are now found at a lower level, which results in the topmost (most recently used) file selector being chosen. This is sensible as there is only ever usually one open at a time, and even when there is more than one you usually want to work with the most recent. CONTEXT OF USAGE------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Paths can be used in conjunction with any Windows 95 file selection boxes, in their various disguises. Some common 'types' are listed below: STANDARD - Notepad, Paint, Explorer (Browse/Change Icon), EXTENDED - WinZip (Open/Add), LViewPro (Open), VuePrint (Large), OLDSTYLE - Paint Shop Pro 3, other Windows 3.1 Applications. If you are unsure, then just try Quick Paths with that file selector. Quick Paths will recognise the majority of file selector boxes. SPECIFICATIONS--------------------------------------------------------------- At the moment Quick Paths is rather rudimentary in the way it gets its job done. Further enhancements in the following areas are inevitable. 1. Either the clipboard or sendkeys to pass the path to the file selector box. A lower level method would be better. REGISTRATION----------------------------------------------------------------- You can be registered as a user for 5 pounds sterling. You will receive news and updates of releases. The author can be contacted at the below address: Matthew Sephton, Cheques etc. payable to: M. Sephton Tektonix Software, Mark Envelope: Quick Paths Registration 17 Hamilton Road, Liverpool, u5ms@csc.liv.ac.uk L5 4RT. England. http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~u5ms/